Screams of utmost desperation are really not what I want to hear as I’m dozing off to sleep of a night. Nonetheless, that’s what I did hear from the stairs late last night: Henry, of course, or rather the frog entrapped in Henry’s snappity jaws, while various other Tribe members observed from around the landing.

Henry scruffed, I persuaded him to drop, and (just!) managed to gather up the traumatised amphibian before it either leapt away or – more likely – was recaptured.

Any neighbours who might have been observing were then treated to the unlikely sight of a naked man scuttling through the cold drizzle in the dark (thankfully the security light was switched off), frog cupped between his palms,  from the patio door to the pnod, to release the poor creature to a marginally safer environment.

Until the next time.

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