we awoke in the middle of the night to a thunderous crash – Pete very courageously got out of bed to investigate, and found the cats’ water bowl, which normally lives at the top of the stairs, mysteriously located at the *bottom* of the stairs; without its water, of course, which was all the way down the stairs [sigh].

Pete said he had vaguely heard some scrabblings just before the crash, so we think that some unfortunate small creature had been brought in by one of the Tribe, and had taken refuge either under the bowl, or under the bookcase behind it.

Alissand when things were back to what passes for normal here, and we were ready to return to bed, Aliss had taken up a position of eternal vigilance by the bowl – one that she adopts well, I have to say.

no sign of the creature so far, but it may have perished by now, of course.

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