We have mentioned before, I’m sure, that Iggy and Mustrum most emphatically Do Not Get On.

If they are in the same room, there is often hissing and grumbling, and they have had some fights which have actually frightened us – two alpha male Bengals in one house is clearly not a good idea. It seems to vary which one of them is in charge at any given moment, probably just so the Blobs are confused (our natural state).

This lunchtime, I’d put some waffer thin turkey in bowls (this is one of their favourite things, and usually brings forth a herd of maurauding elephants cats within a trice). Iggy was scoffing out of one bowl, and Mussie arrived; not a problem, as I had a second bowl prepared. But just for a moment, they shared a bowl, which was a bit nervewracking.

Wind on an hour or so, and Mustrum is in what we call the “nest” – a furry rug on some shelves in the study, next to the comms stack and above a monitor (and thus warm and snuggly). Iggy arrived, and very carefully insinuated himself on to the shelf, quite clearly pretending that Mustrum simply *wasn’t there*. Mustrum opened his blue eyes, looked a bit baffled, watched cautiously and let him get on with it.

they’re now both asleep, and while I wouldn’t say they were curled up together, bits of them are touching.

It’s all very odd indeed.

iggy and mustrum

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