poor Aliss has come down with a raging flea allergy πŸ™ She’s lost weight, her magnificent coat is but a shadow of its former self, and she’s covered in tiny blisters.

the vet has prescribed seven days of Synulox, and she’s had an antibiotic shot as well. He’s also given us *3 months* worth of Ovarid, which upon investigation, turns out to be an artificial hormone cum steroid, which can cause diabetes, so she’s not having _those._

so we’re treating her with homeopathic remedies, Evening Primrose oil, Echinacea, and I’ve just rushed into Bristol and bought her some Aloe Vera gel. We’ve also Frontlined all the Tribe, and will be Dysoning the furniture, beds, etc. today. please send her some seasonal e-greetings – she’s a very miserable cat at the moment πŸ™

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