well, FIP test results are still not back, which is what we’re most worried about.

*however*, while he’s by means a well cat, he is moving around the house – albeit like an old man πŸ™ – he’s been outside to smell the fresh air, and crap in his favourite plant pot!, and best news of all, he’s had three tiny meals of cooked chicken today.

I won’t allow myself to hope until these bloody results come back, but he’s clearly so much happier being at home, so I’m sure we did the right thing in bringing him back.

and he slept for part of the night on our bed between us, and for another part on my pillow, doing his well known impression of a walrus purring*.

while I’m here, a public thank you to Mary, who was staying with us for a few days. She was a tower of strength through all this, and we would have found things much harder without her, so thank you, sweetie πŸ™‚

* *of course* they purr. It’s a well known fact. And if they don’t, they bloody well ought to.

[edit] and we’re managing to get the five different lots of drugs down him at the right time each day, which is quite amazing really, for all of us.

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